PornDoe » Blog » VH 1 promotes new "Dating Naked" series with special ad
17 JUL '15

VH 1 promotes new "Dating Naked" series with special ad

Category: News

Bouncing boobs and dangling dicks are some of the best things to be seen when you log into the world wide web! : ) And fortunately for me and everybody else, there are some public companies who understand the importance of going all natural and have decided to go with the naked trend for the sake of all of us. This time I’m talking about the guys from VH1 America who paired up with brainy agency Mistress and did a special kind of ad. Featuring naked bodies and those bouncing boobs I was talking about, the guys behind all of this have put their best for promoting the Dating Naked reality series. Just check the awesome ad for yourself! You’re WelCum! ^_^ Mia

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