PornDoe » Blog » We’ve got Bums Bus prizes and we want to give them away!
09 NOV '15

We’ve got Bums Bus prizes and we want to give them away!

Category: News

Old habits die hard while good habits never do it! Exactly like the hot fucking sessions in the Bums Bus… they never end! But it’s not just the sexy hours from inside the Bums Bus that are making this movement become a fabulous phenomenon… it’s also the fans, who are the fuel to our gas tank :D! And because of that… we thought it would be a good idea to just reward you guys for your dedication with a brand new competition! ; ) Here’s what you need to do to put your hands on one of our Bums Bus VIP prizes… Post a pic of you and your Bums Bus on our official Facebook page between the 6th and 17th of November and tell us what year it was made in a hashtag including the name of our brand:  #BumsBus1996. Every day, the user with the oldest Bums Bus will be picked as our daily winner and will get awarded with a Bums Bus VIP pack  including a CD with the kickass Bums Bus theme song performed by King Orgasmus One himself & a super cool Bums Bus cap! Come on guys, let’s see who are the veterans in Bus fucking! You’re WelCum! ^_^ Mia  

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